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Teraz możesz sam pobawić się w grafika ... 🙂
And most importantly don’t forget the foliage! Summer is a great time for foliage from lime green alchemilia mollis and gelder rose, to gorgeous scented flowering mint and rosemary to silvery soft sage and scenecio there is an abundance of interesting foliage. Mixed with summer blooms they are perfect for the ever-popular English country garden and vintage themed weddings.Mixed with summer blooms they are perfect for the ever-popular English country garden and vintage themed weddings.
Roses are always popular during the summer months and are often considered the summer wedding flower. They come in all shades of pinks, reds, oranges, yellows, lilacs and of course white and creams. My personal favourite is the beautiful Norma Jean Rose – the perfect wedding rose with its large ivory full blooms and gorgeous perfume. It can stand on its own or mix it with blousy open peonies or fragrant sweet peas for the perfect wedding bouquet.
Summer brides should not stop at roses when thinking about their wedding flowers. Conjure up the image of the perfect English country garden dominated by shades of pinks, mauves and blues and you have the perfect palette for your summer wedding.
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in the palest pink, coral, hot pink. Mixed with roses they are the perfect summer flower but the season is short and limited to May and June.
Sweet peas
sweet smelling and delicate in look, perfect in a bouquet or as a flower girl’s posy.
with their delicate petals in blue and white.
Sweet Williams
the perfect English country garden flowers.